A Beautiful Sunday Morning: Notes from my balcony, March 2022

 Let us start a conversation about the beauty of slow living and soaking up the beautiful sights around us.

Wellness||stressfreelife||Sunday motivation || slow living ||calmness||family time||peace and quiet ||be present||living in the now||motivation ||quiet Sunday morning 

           My morning cup of aromatic coffee 

What makes your Sundays special?
For me it was a lovely sight from my balcony .
As I woke up to a relaxed Sunday morning , my equally relaxed Labrador stretched lazily and prompted me towards the kitchen. I believe in talking care of myself first, so I am able to take care of everyone else. On purpose, I decided not to check any social media first thing in the morning. Sipping warm water  i looked around and observed the miracles of nature. The completely dried up shahtoot ( Mulberry) tree had started sprouting again. For the past few years, I have been observing that it starts sprouting new leaves in the beginning of the 4th week of February.  Have you observed any patterns of nature around you? If so, drop me a comment. It would be interesting to know your experiences. 

        The Mulberry tree sprouting fresh leaves 

As I looked around, the various birds were going about their business. Sparrows were busy at various birdfeeders that people have put in their compounds and balconies. After a hearty morning meal, my pet greated the morning walkers, who acknowledged her by responding affectionately. All this was going on from the balcony. These small gestures are so meaningful if you think about them. In fact, these small, simple moments are what make up our lives. 
I was able to catch little glimpses and hear the friendly exchange between the walkers and my pet, as I fixed myself a cup of aromatic morning cup of coffee.
The atmosphere was relaxed and the coffee tasted heavenly. 
It was a heartwarming sight to see indulgent parents and grandparents  patiently teaching children the complixites of the game of Badminton. The Badminton court was suddenly abuzz with activity as children from ages 5-14 
tested their skills. Parents patiently explained the subtleties of the game and for an hour various families played with abandon.
Then the children brought out their cycles and it was fun to watch them. Parents and children spending quality time with each other without expectations and tempers, added to my beautiful Sunday morning. 
Now, everyone has left, presumably for breakfast before resuming other activities and I am penning down this post before I loose the warm and fresh feeling of my perfect Sunday morning. 

    This fresh flower arrangement in my living room makes me marvel at the abundance in nature. Look around your home and soak in the peace and quiet. 
Take your time and appreciate your self. Indulge in some much needed self care. Switch off social media and soak in the atmosphere as it plays out.
These past 2 years have been very difficult for all of us around the World   ( covid has been the one single, communal experience worldwide in my living memory).
Here are a few simple tips to relax on a Sunday morning 
● Soak in the sights and sounds around you.
● Do not overthink
● Be present
● Relax, no need to hurry anything 
● Look around and be grateful for life
Monsoon musings

Another Sunday morning…now it’s the 3rd week of July, monsoon has set in.

Here is my Kadipatta or Curry leaves tree in full bloom….lush green 

Relaxed Sunday morning with a hot cup of coffee. 

Nature is in full bloom all around…really there is abundance in Nature…all beautiful things are free.

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