Parenting Tips : Going Back To School

 Offline school|| going to school again|| school reopening||schools reopen after covid||back to school| vaccines| covid vaccines for children 

After a gap of 2 years, schools will resume offline classes from the next semester, starting from April 2022.

This decision has been taken by the various state governments as corona cases have declined.

Never in the history of the World has the entire population experienced a calamity of this proportion ( covid). One of the major fall outs of Corona was the closure of physical schools. As this was the first time in the entire living memory of humans,schools closed all over the World, no one knew what to do. Slowly, as vaccines were invented to save the human population and were made available, it gave hope. As corona cases are on the decline again, due to the combination of herd immunity and immunization, State Governments have decided to start offline classes for students again. 

This announcement has a mixed response from the parents, as all children are not yet immunized. 

As a former Teacher with teaching experience in various schools and a parent, I have a fairly good idea about the apprehension of parents and guardians. 

Here are a few Tips to help parents and children navigate the new ‘Back to School’ environment smoothly. 


● Always be grateful for being healthy and together as a family. 

● Health is Wealth. We have always read and heard about this since childhood. During these past 2 years it has been reinforced. 

● Schools are important, but the first school is your home.

● As the offline school system was shut for the past 2 years and many parents worked from home, suddenly they had no idea how to cope. Your behavior and response was closely watched by your children. All this will reflect in their personality and behavior when they grow up, you can mark my words.

● Your response to everyday situations is paramount, so be careful how you deal with day to day situations. 

● These are ultimately your children and you are responsible for them. You decided to bring them into this World. 

● These 2 years of school shutdown provided the best opportunity for bonding between parents and children. 

● Though, home is the first school, real offline school experience is required for developing a varied personality and teaching the children new interactive skills to navigate the different challenges posed in an outside environment. 

● Only online classes will not be sufficient and offline real time classroom experience will teach them about human behavior. 

● In a huge country like India, everyone is not in a position to afford mobiles, laptops, internet connections, online tutoring and electricity. Just being able to feed themselves on a daily basis in itself is the biggest challenge for the majority of the population. So, it is imperative to open the schools. 

● Also, women can go into the workforce without the additional responsibility of childcar. We, are all aware that ultimately responsibility of child care and elder care comes on the women. If the children go to school, women can focus on their careers too.

● All children between ages 15-18 have been vaccinated and work is on to bring out safe, non invasive( nasal) vaccines on a war footing.

● Make sure your children are in the habit of wearing masks. Also ensure they always carry a spare mask to school. 

Children are very active and might damage the masks or might loose them, therefore give them a spare mask.

Being a former Teacher, I wonder how the school system will ensure social distancing among small children?

● Don’t worry too much, masking is enough at this point. Hope this pandemic is over soon, in case cases start rising again,  schools will shut down.

● It is okay to send the children to school as they play with their friends every day in the parks and colony. Also they keep visiting their friend’s homes. 

● It is important to send the children to school for their mental well-being. Corona has led to a lot of stress in all of us. Getting outdoors, meeting classmates, chatting , bonding and playing will reduce the mental strain in children. 

● Check if you need to get new uniforms. In 2 years,  your children must have grown up in size. See if uniforms can be altered. A few children must have put on weight. Send the uniforms to the local tailors for alterations. 

● You will have to purchase new footwear as your kids would have outgrown them. Check shoes and socks. 

● Check if their school bags are in good condition. Also if they have a tiffin box and water bottle. 

● In pre corona times, many schools insisted on students compulsarily purchasing school uniforms, stationary, books and art supplies at the school shop. You have to check with your respective schools if this is still the case. Due to 2 years of shutdown I wonder if they have resumed such practices. 

● If you have to get stationary on your own, now is the time to do some price comparing. 

● Raising children is a costly affair. Add to it the recent hyperinflation and we all can feel the pinch. You have to convince your children to stick to a budget.  This is easier said than done but you have to check your descritionary spending. 

● Are you in the habit of comparing? My advice is to change your habit and your children will follow you. Restrict your spending on stationary and other back to school expenses. 


Comparison is the killer of joy 

● Staying out if schools has definitely made children realize the importance of friendship. All children have missed playing, chatting and interacting with their school friends. 

So remember, friends are the real treasures. 

● Try not to get into the comparison game. In the end, it does not mean anything. 

● As all parents and guardians are struggling to make ends meet, do not force them to buy you expensive school supplies. 

● There is no shame in simple things that serve your purpose for school. 

● If you get an allowance, save it to buy what you want. This will give you immense pride and satisfaction. 

● Help your parents to get you ready for school. Everyone must have forgotten how it was 2 years back. Help them in shopping, put your uniforms, shoes and school supplies together yourself. 

● Take responsibility of wearing masks every day to school. In these past 2 years, you know that mask is compulsory. Don’t trouble your parents.

● Never fall into the trap of  FOMO( Fear of missing out) If you are only accepted by your peers due to material things, it’s time to make new friends. 

● Concentrate on studies and make full use of all activities available at school. All these will  help you once you leave school. 

● Don’t make it a habit of eating junk food everyday. As corona has taught us, Health is Wealth,  appreciate your home cooked food. Also encourage your friends to take pride in home cooked simple meals. Remember, during the lockdowns, we were so happy cooking healthy meals at home? Eat nutritious & healthy food. Eat junk food sparingly. 

● Spend time building hobbies that will help you earn money. 

So, be cautious while spending money on school supplies, wear masks, eat home cooked food, take part in  school activities and play games. Don’t compare with others and have fun.

Amazon has some very good products for school. They are also offering great discounts on school bags, tiffins, water bottles, note books and stationary. You can save your time, effort and money by buying thrifty school supplies on Amazon.


All Children in the age bracket 12-14 years are eligible for covid vaccines. 

You can take your children to government centers for the vaccines. 

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