Parenting tips: How to prepare for School : CHECKLIST

 Parenting | children | kids| school| uniforms | shoes| school bags| stationary | school bus| good habits| nutrition | health | masks| vaccines for children|tiffins| routines | dealing with tantrums| mood swings in children| create a stress free atmosphere at home| maintaining calm| budgeting | saving money on school supplies 

As the offline schools are reopening from 1st of April 2022 for all the classes, are you and your children prepared ?

As a parent of a now adult and having been a former Teacher, I feel I am in a position to make your task a little easy with this checklist. 


● As the physical schools have been closed for the past 2 years, we have forgotten where exactly are our school related items kept.

1●  Take out everything from your closet and cupboards. 

2● Spread a sheet on the floor. 

3● Lay down all school supplies on it.

4● Now make different piles of things.

5● Make a pile of school uniforms, ties, belts, ribbons,hankies, clips, hairbands, socks and shoes.

6● Make another pile of books, notebooks, stationary and pencil box or stationary pouches.

7● Find out where you have put your school bag or rucksack.

8● Go to the kitchen and look for your tiffin box and water bottle. 

9● Check where you have kept your I- card and bus pass.

10● If you were a prefect, find out where you have kept your tie, card, badges etc.

11● In case you are taking some medication like puffs for asthma or bronchial issues, make sure you have sufficient stock. For parents, do remind the respective class teachers about any ailments. 

11● This time you have to add another item MASK and SANITIZER. 


1● Get in touch with the class teacher of your children. 

2● At this point, do not speculate. As the physical schools are reopening after 2 years for all classes, there will be a lot of confusion initially. Even the staff will be taking one step at a time. Write down all queries and get in touch with the class teachers( give them a call). Remember, every class has about 40 students and the class teacher will be in a rush. So, best is to call up as soon as possible and don’t leave everything for the last day. 

3● As a former Teacher, I remember that in a number of schools, parents have to purchase everything from school uniforms to stationary from the school shop itself. 

As the schools are reopening after 2 years, find out if it is still the case. It all depends on the individual school as I doubt if they have been able to procure everything at a short notice. 

4● As the schools will be reopening after a gap of 2 years, I am sure they are not going to be too strict about the proper uniforms and other supplies. It will take everyone some time to get back to the old routine. 

5● Children grow up fast, so you will have to get them new uniforms or get old ones altered if their is any scope. Some kids must have gained some weight due to lack of exercise like many of us. Ask them to try on their uniforms and take necessary action. 

Don’t delay any alterations as tailors are also overburdened. 

6● You will have to get them new socks and shoes as the size must have definitely changed. 

7● Check about the books, notebooks and stationary. Find out from the class teacher and make your purchase on time.

8● Wash the school bags, tiffin boxes and water bottle. Keep them in one place so there is no confusion on the 1st day of school. 

9● Keep all school related things in one place. Wash and iron the uniforms, polish the shoes and arrange the school bags.

10● Decide before hand about the tiffins and purchase the food items so you are not in a spin on the 1st day of school. Decide what has to cooked and make necessary preparations. 

11● Don’t forget the water bottles as hydration is very important. It has become very hot even in the month of March. Get a large size water bottle.

12● Stock up on masks and sanitizer. You will require at least 2 masks per day, per child as they might damage or misplace them at school. 

13● Try to use up old school supplies if possible and add new ones as required. 

14● Children up to class 5 will need your help. Older children can be asked to arrange their school supplies with some help from you.

15● If you are keen, you can get your kids above the age of 12, vaccinated at Government centres.

These are just basic guidelines. It is important to get in touch with the class teachers for guidance as things are getting back to normal after a gap of 2 years. 

Follow the above guidelines to reduce confusion on the last day before school. 

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