5 Hacks to teach children on Earth Day

 Earth Day| Earth Day projects for kids|how to raise environment conscious kids|environment |sustainable| tips to make your children love the planet|education| easy projects for children every parent can teach| Budget friendly projects for kids| life skills for kids|parenting tips 

Parents are the first teachers. Children are keen observers and soak whatever they see. Rather than celebrating the Earth Day as any other day, involve your children in simple projects around the house. 

These projects won’t cost you anything and teach your children valuable life skills that they will appreciate throughout their lives.

Here, I will be sharing simple hacks that will not take up much time, effort or any money.


This is so easy if you use onion for cooking. 

● Collect the dry peel of onions

● Put the onion peel in a container 

● Pour in sufficient water to soak them

● Cover and keep aside for 24 hours 

● Strain the water and add to the plants

This way you will achieve 2 goals

● Reuse of onion peels

● Natural, homemade potassium for your plants for a healthy growth.

I have illustrated this hack with simple pics. This is so simple, your kids can just see the pics and do it themselves. 


GARLIC is also a common ingredient in our kitchen. The hack is similar to the onion peel one.

● Collect the dry garlic peels

● Put them in a container 

● Pour sufficient water to soak them

● Cover and keep aside for 24 hours 

● Strain and use them for your plants. 

This way you will achieve 3 goals

● Reuse of GARLIC peels 

● Natural, homemade nutrition for your plants 

● GARLIC is also a natural insecticide.  Just spray on your plants to get rid of problems like certain insects and ants in the plants.


You can make plant supplements with leftover peels from fruits and vegetables. 

Just remember to soak them not beyond 5-6 hours as they will start fermenting.

Here, I am only focusing on peel hacks as they are easy to implement.

It will get too complicated for the kids if I suggest anything else like composting. My main  purpose is to give easy, quick and simple hacks. 

Though you can do this with any vegetable or fruit peels,here I am demonstrating with pomegranate as it is in season. 

Pomegranate peels can be reused for your plants.

● After peeling the pomegranate, soak the peels in water

● Do not soak more than 5-6 hours 

● Strain and use for the plants.

●This can be done with banana peels also. I had pomegranate at home so decided to use it.

Your goal 

● To reuse the peels

● Natural, homemade nutrition for plants.

Lets  switch over to another hack that can have a huge impact on how we dispose things ethically.


Honestly, we can try to reduce our plastic waste but it is not possible to eliminate all of it.

At least in urban India, we are dependent on packaged milk etc. 

Here, if all of us just make a small change in the way we open our plastic packaging,  it will make a huge difference to our bird kingdom.  Birds pick up and swallow small pieces of plastic that turns fatal for them.

Make sure to seriously start this practice from today. 

Do not open the package by cutting a triangle 

This one change from your side can be a life saver for our birds. 


This can be your big contribution to the World. Seriously, one tiny gesture to rinse milk packs before disposal will change the World 

How does this work? 

Rinsed and clean packs have  higher chance of recycling. 

So make sure you practice this everyday. These are healthy habits for a lifetime. Ultimately, taking care of the planet is directly going to affect our health. 

These 5 simple hacks are the easiest to practice 

● All materials are available at home

● You don’t have to spend any money 

●  These small gestures lead to big results

● This is known as Home Activism 

● Be a Home Activist this Earth Day 

● Rather than theory, do these activities 

● This has to be practiced every day 

● This is an invaluable parenting tip

●Your tiny gestures can actually save the world.

Follow these 5 hacks and spread the word.

 This can be your kids school project. 

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