Review your life @ 2022 on Review Paradise

 A New Year is the perfect time to Review your life goals and purpose. With renewed energy and positive mindset you can bring about positive changes in your life. 

“Our lives are frittered away by detail, simplify, simplify, simplify ” Henry David Thoreau 

Review Paradise has compiled a few trending concepts from across the World that are gaining immense popularity and I encourage you to explore them in 2022 to help you lead a more meaningful and satisfied life. 

1. Minimalism. 

This concept has been around for a while. It has gained popularity among the present generation as life has become very fast paced and we are juggling numerous tasks throughout the day. A Minimal lifestyle encourages us to focus on what’s necessary and weed out the rest. This concept has personally led me to a sense of peace since I started practicing Minimalism 4 years back. The basic idea is to live with what is necessary and save time,effort, money and focus on hobbies,interests and a meaningful existence.

2. Essentialism.

Essentialism basically means to focus on what really matters and do away with the rest. Focus on a few things and do them well. Learn to say NO effectively to things and requests that drain your energy and do not serve you.

Choose to use your time and energy to focus on what gives meaning and purpose to your life. Do not let people drain your energy. Self care should be of utmost priority. Concentrate on your lifestyle, sleep,nutrition, finances,fitness or any other important goal. Figure out what serves you and eliminate what saps your energy and wastes your time.

3. Decluttering. 

Want peace of mind, feel lost and overwhelmed all the time? You will be surprised that the act of decluttering is the answer to your woes.

Basically it means to remove items that serve no purpose and tidy up the space. 

The best way is to start small. Do not start decluttering the entire house as you will get overwhelmed. Start by decluttering a small space, then a small area, one room, one closet at a time. Remove things you do not need or are beyond repair. Donate, sell or repurpose before trashing them to avoid sending them to the landfill.

The simple act of Decluttering will lead to a sense of peace and result in a feeling of accomplishment and well-being. A clean, airy tidy place without overwhelming visual clutter will  definitely give you peace of mind. 

Explore these concepts as a self care routine in the year 2022.


Minimalism |Essentialism |Decluttering 

1. What is Minimalism?

A simple description would be living on less so as to focus on what really matters in your life. 

2. How can Minimalism benefit me?

It can help you spend less money, decrease the time and energy spent on housework, more time to do the things you love, lead to less consumerist mindset and bring more peace in your life. 

3. How can I be a Minimalist if my spouse is not?

Practice Minimalism without forcing other family members. When they see you reaping the benefits, they might want to try it out for themselves. You focus on yourself and rest will follow. 

4. How can I start Decluttering my home without feeling overwhelmed?

Start small, don’t take up Decluttering of the entire house at one go. Try a small portion like a shelf, a closet, surface areas, one room at a time. Make it a point to Declutter a small part of your home daily. Remember, it’s a journey not a race. Pat yourself for every small accomplishment. 

5. How can Decluttering help me save money?

Decluttering will force you to have a look at each item in your home. You will realize that you own much more than required. Use up all your possessions before heading to the market. It will bring about a shift in mindset and you will not want anything additional. Automatically you will start saving your precious money. 

6. How to achieve the goal of Essentialism?

Exploring and practicing Minimalism and Decluttering will automatically shift your focus towards Essentialism.  As it means to focus only on what is absolutely essential and remove anything that is of no importance to you. Effectively saying No to things and People, so as to enrich your life and reach your goals is the core essence of Essentialism. 

This Year Try out the life changing concepts of Minimalism, Decluttering and Essentialism and see your life take a turn for the better. 

Saving money, peace of mind , better health, good sleep is guaranteed. 

Remember, it’s a process,a journey through life and not a race. Take small steps daily and make it a part of your routine. You will transition effortlessly into a Minimalist lifestyle. 

Resources on Minimalism |Decluttering |Essentialism  Joshua Becker

The Minimalist Home, a book by Joshua Becker 

Essentialism the disciplined pursuit of less, Greg Mckeown

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