My February Goal @2022 : How did I perform


Fresh flowers set up the perfect February Spring time mood and were the only decor item on a surface in the living room. Rest of the surfaces were kept clear of all clutter. 

Here, in India,the month of February is spring time. It not might be the same in your part of the World. In my blog posts, I try to share experiences based on our climate, culture, habits and circumstances. 

Update on my February Goal @2022

Hi Friends, as promised, here is my update on my February decluttering goal @2022

Here is a summary of what I was able to manage:

● I managed to keep the main surfaces of my living room, dining table and kitchen counters clutter free. It took a  lot of effort on my part as the other family members did not pay much attention, ultimately it fell upon me to tidy up before going to bed every night. 

The satisfaction from looking  at clean and clear counters keeps me motivated and I have promised to keep up my clearing routine. 

As I explained my Decluttering February Goal to my family, they tried to put in some effort, but got busy with their routines. 

I must mention that my family acknowledged that the home looked very beautiful, neat and clean. 

● The Entryway was kept free of unnecessary clutter with no unwanted  stuff crowding the entrance. This made it very smooth for everyone to leave the house on time.

This was a big achievement in itself. 

● I managed to keep my silverware drawer fairly organized  inspite of a bit of entertaining. 

The everyday cutlery, ladles, strainers, whisks etc were returned to their respective places after use.

● Also, I managed to keep my kitchen counters free of small appliances and clutter. Every night, after dinner all the utensils,  gadgets and food etc was kept in the respective places, giving the kitchen an appealing look. Now, it is a real treat to get up in the morning to a spic and span kitchen. 

To Keep up the momentum, I kept the Goal small. As this was a personal challenge, keeping chores manageable was the focus. Life happens, tempers run high and routines have a tendency to go haywire. I am mighty proud of what I have achieved and will try to carry on with the task throughout the year.

What I learnt : Take one small step at a time, however tiny and take pride in your achievements. 

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