Parenting Tips: Healthy snacks for Kids

 Healthy snacks for kids||healthy eating ||healthy munchies||foods for good health ||healthy snack time||healthy eating habits for kids||weight control snacks in older kids

All photos have been clicked by me at home. If you plan to use any, do mention the source. 

Homemade Dhokla is a very good snack option for older kids who have to study for long periods of time. As, physical activities become limited due to higher studies, children tend to put on weight. Healthy and filling snacks should be provided to them regularly to keep them satiated and this will keep the weight in check.

The best gift you can give to your kids is the habit of healthy eating. We have all heard the saying ” Health is Wealth ” since childhood. If you come to think of it, without good health you can’t enjoy anything in life. Though, I am not a nutritionist, being a keen observer of life and raising a child, I can share a few time-tested tips that can help busy parents. 

Friends, this is a very visual blog…all tips are personally tested and the pictures are real time. Hope you will find it useful and visually appealing.

All pictures in this blog have been clicked by me at home. You can check out my blog post about my Eclectic home tour for more images. 

Here are a few, simple, tested tips:

1● Be Good role models 

This cannot be emphasized more. You will be surprised as to how much your kids observe you. As a parent to a young adult, I was educated about this by my daughter. Whenever I was pleasantly surprised by a particular action by her, she told me she remembers everything. So basically, don’t just preach, follow with actions.

You can’t be a saint but can have a balanced approach to life. Introduce the concept of moderation in day to day life.

Make an effort to eat healthy and your kids will get motivated seeing you.

2● Take out time for your kids 

You will be very busy throughout the day  rushing from one task to another. It is our responsibility to take out time for our kids and talk about their day. Put in an effort to know about their peers, friends ,teachers and activities. Remember, you will not realize how fast time flies and it will be time for them to fly the nest. It is natural to feel harassed and overwhelmed at times but it is imperative to spend time together. 

It is during such interactive times ,kids learn healthy habits. Make it a time to talk about the benefits of healthy eating. Also, involve children in the kitchen to rustle up simple snacks keeping the age in mind. It can be a great bonding time for the family. 

3● Stock up sufficient fresh fruits at home 

This point might seem trivial but it is a reality that most parents do not keep sufficient varieties of fresh fruits at home. 

A few days back, I was watching a UK series where an experiment was conducted about atrocious food habits of families. Basically, they hired a coach who filmed them at mealtimes and while grocery shopping. I would like to mention a particular incident when the kid kept on requesting for a 🍐 Pear and the mother just denied and pulled him away, saying you don’t eat fruits. It so happened that the mother had never introduced fresh fruits to her kid. 

So, the point is to have a good supply of fresh fruit always available at home. Children can help themselves whenever they feel hungry. Always remember, these are healthy habits that are formed in childhood. 

Children love Mangoes, Pears and Malta too

Malta is grown locally in India and the market is flooded with them in the Summer…introduce this tasty citrus fruit to your household. 

Mangoes are enjoyed by everyone…April till end of July you can find various varieties in the market. 

4● Learn to make a few healthy snacks 

These need not be elaborate and time consuming affairs. ( They can be stored in the fridge for a week)

You can try the following healthy dips:

● Fresh coriander chutney 

● Hummus 

● Babaganoush 

● Fresh Pesto 

● Smoked curd 

Serve them with small pieces of toast or crackers. 

Don’t worry, all recipes are available on the net. Pick up the easiest that use only simple ingredients, substitute with whatever you have at home. Remember, you have to conserve your energy, time, money and enjoy the process. 

More healthy snacks:

● Dhokla 

● Idli 

● Sandwich ( with some salad and homemade dressing) A slice of cheese can be added.

● Black Chana chaat ( boiled Chana served with finely chopped onions, tomatoes and masala)

● Murmura ( puffed Rice served with finely chopped onions, tomatoes, coriander and light masalas.

●  Low fat Dosa is also a tasty, healthy & quick option. 

Prepare all purpose batter for Idli and Dosa. This can be stored in the refrigerator for a week.

Add water to it for making Dosa. Also, another tip is to add salt only before cooking. 

Make this on a non stick skillet/pan/tava

  ●  3 minutes idli in microwave 

Everyone will love this easy, tasty, low fat and filling 3 minutes idli. I prepare this regularly as it saves me a lot of time.

● Tomato and Onion chutney ( can store in fridge for 4 days)

This tasty, easy chutney can be eaten with anything. Children will enjoy it and you will be happy as it is a healthy alternative to store bought sauces.

● 3 Onoions

● 3 Tomatoes 

● In a pan/wok/kadhai lightly saute the chopped onions till transparent. 

● Now saute the chopped tomatoes and sautΓ© for a minute. 

● Cool the ingredients, add salt, 1 tsp red chilli powder and blend in a mixie or hand blender. 

● Now cook the above for a minute. 

For the tampering:

● In  kahdai/wok/pan, add 1tsp ghee/oil and then add

● 1tsp mustard seeds

● Once they stop cracking, add 1tsp Urad Dal, aesofitida, saute till light brown. 

● Now add 6-7 curry leaves (Kadipatta). Saute lightly till they change color 

Add this to the chutney and it’s ready to eat..

Chivda (Beaten rice snack)

This is a very simple recipe. It is easy, quick and low calorie. You can store it in an air tight jar for almost 2 weeks easily. 

● Warm a pan or wok, add 1 tsp ghee or vegetable oil. Add 1 tsp mustard seeds.

● Once the seeds stop splutering, add a few curry leaves(Kadipatta),chopped green chili 

● Now add a 2 tbsp roasted peanuts ( avoid in case of allergy to peanuts)

● Add 1 cup thick Poha (beaten rice)

● Salt to taste, personally I add just a pinch, 1/4th tsp turmeric

● Saute for 2-3 minutes. Keep stirring and keep the flame low as it can burn.

●Cool and enjoy the low calorie, simple Chivda. 

5● Healthy drink options 

●  Fresh fruit juices ( seasonal, homemade)

●  Nimbu pani (homemade lemonade)

●  Milkshakes ( Mango, strawberry, banana, cheekoo etc)

Do not keep areated drinks and packaged juices at home. These should be only occasional treats. They contain empty calories and are the main reason of weight gain, mood swings and acne related problems in older children)

6 ● Nuts for energy

Nuts are very healthy and packed with nutrients. They can curb hunger pangs as they are quite filling. 

Stock up on almonds, walnuts, raisins, cashews peanuts, foxnuts( Makhana)

A bowl of lightly roasted Makhana, tempered lightly with salt and a couple of dry spices has been a popular snack of my daughter throughout her student life.( It should be consumed only during winters)

A word of caution: Some children could be allergic to nuts, please use discretion. 

7● Sweet cravings 

My favorite is healthy Besan Barfi. Homemade Besan Barfi can be stored for a month easily. It is very tasty and nutritious. Practice portion control and indulge.

Healthy eating should not feel like punishment. Do let you kids indulge in colas, fast foods and desserts once in a while. A healthy balance is required to make any changes sustainable. 

All the above suggestions have been tested by me personally. Hope you will find them useful. 

Some simple, low calorie recipes from my kitchen

● Chick Pea/Chole/Kabuli Chana 

It is rich in fiber and nutrients. 

You can serve it with bread/roti/pita bread/ bhatura/ kulcha/ puri/ rice/ just like that. 

● Soak Kabuli Chana ( Chick peas) overnight. 

   Quantity: 1 small bowl. 

● Wash well and pressure cook for 25 minutes. 

    On sim, after one whistle. Make sure there is 

    enough water in the cooker.

    Quantity: 2 glass of water. 

● Add cummin seeds, aesofitida, garlic-ginger 

    paste to 1 tsp of ghee/ oil/butter in a pan/wok

● Finely chop a large onion/ 2 medium onions, 

   saute till light brown. 

● Now add the boiled Kabuli Chana to the pan.

● Add 

  Salt  1tsp 

  Turmeric 1/4th tsp

  Coriander powder 2 tsp

  Amchur powder ( dry Mango powder) 1/2 tsp

  Kitchen king masala 1tsp

  Red Chilli powder 1/2 tsp

  Finely chopped green chili 2

● If you are making this dish for children, reduce

   the Chilli or remove it entirely. 

● Cook for 5 minutes,  serve garnished with fresh

   coriander leaves and onion rings.

● You will be tempted to make this easy dish fre

   quently on popular demand. 

● My Homemade Hummus recipe 

  This is a very popular dip in my home.

  Easy to make and packed with the goodness of 

  Chick peas ( Kabuli Chana) and sesame. 


 β— Soak Kabuli Chana ( Chick peas) overnight. 

 β— Boil the Kabuli Chana till soft. 

 β— Let it cool.

 β— Meanwhile, prepare the Tahini paste. 

 β— Blend roasted Sesame 50gms till a paste is 


 β— Now blend the Kabuli Chana, Tahini paste, 

    few garlic cloves, salt, red chilli powder and 

    a spoon of fresh lemon juice. 

  ● Now, spread the dip in a plate or wide dish, 

     drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and add a 

     sprinkling of red chilli powder. 

 β— Enjoy with bread/roti/crackers/chips/pita 



 Though there are plenty of good Virgin Olive 

 Oil brands in the market, my personal favorite 

 is Figaro extra virgin olive oil. 

 It is perfect for my taste buds and feels very 

 light and smooth.


Instant Uttappam Recipe

Want to make instant Uttappam?
Check out this cool recipe and you will love it.

Looks pretty right? This rava (sooji) Uttappam is easy and tasty. 
Ingredients (makes 4)
1. 1 cup sooji
2. 1/2 cup curd
3. Salt(1/2 spoon or to taste)
4. Finely chopped onion, tomato, green chili 
5. A few Kadipatta (curry leaves)
6. A little water
Mix the sooji, curd, salt and water to form a paste. Remember, the consistency should not be runny.
Now cover it and let it rest for 20 minutes. 
The batter is ready. Warm up a skillet/tava/pan and pour a large spoon of batter. You can apply a little bit of oil or ghee on the tava. For making Uttappam, I use a non stick tava.
After pouring the batter, add a little bit of the chopped ingredients and a couple of Kadipatta. 
Let this cook for a minute. 
Now flip it, press gently and let it cook for another minute. 
Enjoy with podi, chutney or Sambhar.
You can check out the podi recipes in my blogs.

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