The Green Bottle : DIY Decor

 Bottle| DIY| green| decor| home| eclectic | Budget decor| sustainable | environment friendly |festive| Budget home makeover ideas|saving money| outdoor decor| night outdoor decorating 

This beautiful shadow work is a result of the setting Sun…..brilliant 

Here, I will take you on a journey of the Green Bottle. Come, fall in love with everyday objects in your home. Let’s see how the Green Bottle has actually become my trademark! Somehow it seems to fit in and figure prominently in my Eclectic, sustainable, eco friendly, breezy, wabi Sabi, DIY home!

A weekend of the finest spirits left an empty Green Bottle. Somehow, I hesitated in disposing it as the color attracted me. As I stood admiring the deep green shade in the early morning sun, a desire to DIY it into a piece of decor took over.

So, the Green Bottle was immersed in a bucket of water for a couple of hours till the paper label came off completely. The Green Bottle stood in all its glory. 

Next, as I wondered what to do with it, was the task to dry it out completely. So, it stood in the open for the day.

As I went on with my day, in the evening the Green Bottle came to my mind. Dashing out ,suddenly it looked so elegant, I couldn’t resist clicking it. Here is what it looked in the setting Sun…

So pretty and absolutely elegant….

The evening was spent wondering how to use this bottle. Well, plenty of ideas came to my mind like fresh flowers, dry flowers, painting it or covering it. Maybe, at a later stage ,I might try them one by one.

As evening turned into night, I put a few fairy lights into the Green Bottle and viola! Lo and behold….a new vibe took over the living room..

The simple Green Bottle has turned into a centrepiece and has changed the mood of my living room….without spending anything.

Another dreamy setting..

You can take it outside too…create a dreamy ambience with the Green Bottle and some plants…what a lovely transformation. 

See, how the Green Bottle completely transformed my outdoor sitting area…perfect for a get together…

Here is a close up of the same…

Watch this space as I post more visuals of how the Green Bottle is creating cozy nooks around my Eclectic, DIY home. 

Meanwhile, I invite you to share your experiences in the comments…

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