5 Unique Valentine Day Gift Ideas for your loved ones

 Valentine Day gift ideas|unique gift ideas|Gift ideas for your loved ones| Valentine Day ideas| Minimalist Valentines Day gifts|Think out of the box Gift options | healthy gift options | Budget Friendly Valentine Decor

Looking for gifts to celebrate Valentines Day?

Searching for Minimalist gift ideas for Valentines Day?

How to decorate your home for Valentines?

How to celebrate a memorable Valentines Day?

Want to give unique gifts to your loved ones?

Can you change the gift giving mindset towards a more healthy option?

Want to save money on Valentines Day Decor ?

How not to add useless clutter to your home on Valentines Day 

Let’s start a trend of useful gift giving. 

Since I have been on a constant decluttering and Minimalist journey, adding unnecessary clutter on various occasions is a challenge. 

I have decided to stop buying useless , one time Decorative items that get discarded after the occasion and reach the landfills. 

Instead, my focus is to be intentional and mindful while gifting. Ultimately, the idea is to give our loved ones healthy, worthwhile gifts and make them feel cherished.

Here, I am sharing 5 unique gift ideas for the Valentines Day.

1 ❤  Give them the gift of good health. 

If your loved ones are fond of tea, gift them Gourmet, Artisanal teas.

Tea Trunk: An online tea store , based in India 

Their tea are carefully blended in small batches. The tea is 100% Natural, no artificial flavors are used. India produces the finest teas in the world. Tea Trunk offers a variety of soothing flavors of teas by using herbs and flowers. 

Gift your loved ones healthy tea for stress relief,  better sleep, good health and general well-being. 

There is a wide variety to choose from:

Spearmint, Matcha, Chamomile ,white,lavender, blue pea flowers and herbal teas.

I have been using this product for many years now. 

All teas are sourced directly from farmers and crafted locally to avoid over processing. 

As Tea Trunk offers World Wide shipping  you can order this healthy gift to show your love and appreciation for your near and dear ones.

You can buy this product from the link given below:


2 ❤ Cook a simple, healthy meal for your loved ones.

What better way to show your appreciation for your near and dear ones than cooking something healthy for them. Instead of just ordering chocolate and cakes or Takeaways, do something different. 

You don’t have to serve a seven course meal. Just rustle up something simple using healthy ingredients for their better health and start a tradition of healthy meals. 

Olive oil is a healthy option to try this festive season. 

Here , I recommend two varieties that I use on a regular basis. They are light and meals cooked using them are nutritious and easy to digest. 

How to use extra virgin olive oil:

Here, I suggest 3 ways you can save time and effort in serving a healthy meal for your loved ones.

Spend more time with your near and dear ones by making these simple meals. 

● Toss a simple salad, drizzle it with extra virgin olive oil.

● Make humus at home( it’s very easy, can make and store in the refrigerator a couple of days beforehand) When serving, drizzle extra virgin olive oil liberally and within minutes your humus will disappear!

● Don’t fret about the bread. Use whatever variety you have at home. Just toast it, drizzle extra virgin olive oil, sprinkle some oregano,salt,pepper or pepprika or mix spices and see the magic. You will be showered with compliments .

Rustle up a simple meal:

● Tossed vegetables using olive oil.

● lightly grilled tofu,chicken or collage cheese using olive oil.

● Simple cutlets served individually with salad or turned into burgers. 

● Make a simple pizza topping using tomato puree, spices, vegetables of your preference or a non vegetarian option. 

● Rice and beans, or chillies cooked with olive oil.

● Bake a simple casserole using olive oil. 

● I have baked cakes, cookies, cup cakes and other goodies using olive oil. 

These recipes are budget friendly and save time and effort. This Valentine Day, cook a healthy meal and make it a routine. This is a very thoughtful way to show that you care.

Personally, I have been using Figaro extra virgin  olive oil and found it enhances the flavor of the food. 

I regularly use it for salad dressings, dips and marinades. 

For cooking purposes, I have been using Dolce Vita Olive oil. It is extra light in aroma and taste. It can be used for all cooking purposes. You can also use it for frying and deep frying. 

I personally recommend these products as I have been using them regularly for my family. 

You can order these products from this link

Figaro Extra Virgin Olive Oil, 1L https://www.amazon.in/dp/B00X7RJRYI/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_2QMS14AZ4BAVN2K6C825?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1

Deal of the day: Dolce Vita Extra Light Olive Oil, 5Ltr https://www.amazon.in/dp/B00L10UHWO/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_dl_4ZV6TY9NE0GR526Q1E7Q

3 ❤ A hamper of Pure Himalayan Honey : A product of India 

Gift them Pure Honey for their better health. 

We are all aware of the various health benefits of honey like it is rich in nutrients and minerals.  It contains antioxidants that are beneficial for our health. 

Honey mixed with ginger soothes sore throat. 

Honey can be used as a sugar substitute, but it has to be consumed in moderation. 

Honey can be applied as a face mask to clear blemishes. 

These are just a few benefits of honey. Though there are numerous flavors of honey available in the market , I have become a big fan of Dorsata Forest Honey.  It is a product of ThrivEarth BEE company. 

Dorsata Forest Honey is Pure Himalayan Honey collected from deep within the serene, untouched forests of Uttarakhand, the Apis Dorsata aka the Giant Honey Bee  produces a fresh, natural honey with a delectably mild flavor. This is how it is described in its literature. Basically  the ingredient is Honey sourced from the wild.

A must try for regular users of honey. It makes a worthwhile gift.


As it contains Bee polen, it should be avoided by anyone who has allergies. 

You can order this product from this link

ThrivEarth Dorsata Forest Honey 400g, Contains BEE Pollen, 100% Organic Wild Honey https://www.amazon.in/dp/B07R41W6V4/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_ZMNQSB80S0PECJ94EFZA?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1

4 ❤ Vegan Ice-cream. 

Papacream Vegan Ice-cream:

Product of India 

If your loved ones are die hard Ice-cream buffs, treat them to Papacream  Vegan Ice-cream.

The concept behind Papacream is, making Gourmet Ice-cream available to the masses. 

Papacream offers Artisanal Ice- creams in a variety of flavors like Vegan Raspberry , Vegan Coffee Mocha, Vegan French Vanilla, Vegan Chocofudgy, Vegan Mango, Vegan Chocolate. 


                       Vegan Coffee Mocha 

       Papacream Ice-creams are fresh,natural, contain no artificial flavors, no preservatives, no added colours. 

Papacream also offers:

● Milk based range of Ice-creams

● sugar free Ice-creams

● Vegan range of dairy free, gluten free Ice-creams

● sorbets

They sell products both offline and online. 

At present, Papacream provides their services in selective cities within India. 

Order Gourmet Ice-creams for your loved ones this Valentines, besides the customary chocolates 

You can order Papacream products from the links provided below 



5 ❤ Gift of an ambience 

Create magic at home by gifting a perfect Valentines ambience to your loved ones.


❤  DIY ..Use your imagination. Remember your personal touch is worth more than any market bought decor. 

❤  You don’t have to spend money, use existing items in your home creatively 

❤  Create a cozy corner or a center piece by using  colourful fabric and add some fairy lights or candles. 

❤ Celebrate at home with your loved ones.

❤ By using already existing decor and bric a brac, you can create magic without buying occasion decor that you will throw away. 

Mindful and intentional Valentines Day celebrations is the way to go this year. 

Here  I have created a look by using a red velvet fabric that I already own. It is just an unstitched material which I have used to drape a small table. 

I have put together some glasses, an ice bucket  a decanter and given it a dreamy look by adding a string of fairy lights. 

The red fabric draped elegentally provides an ethereal look. The glass and light add to the dreamy touch. 

Use your imagination and create the perfect Valentines ambience without spending money on useless decor. Only since the last 25 years, mindless consumerism has taken over all special occasions. Let’s celebrate in a responsible manner by bringing about a mindset shift. 

Hope, these unique Valentines Day Gift ideas add value to your festivities. Cheers ❤

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