Five Easy Decluttering Tips

 Easy Decluttering |15 minutes Decluttering | Decluttering for peace | How to remove visual clutter | simple Decluttering method decluttering tips 

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the very thought of decluttering ?

Don’t know where to begin?

Are you still not sure?

Do you fear you might get rid of things and regret later?

Does your family disagree with the idea of Decluttering?

Fret not, take the first small step and stick to your decision. 

Remember, the most important step is to take action. 

One line that I read somewhere always motivates me, whenever I postpone my decisions: 

A goal without a plan is just wishful thinking. 

These simple tips will make your task easy:

1● Start small:

Remember, it is a journey, not a race.

●2  Don’t get discouraged by your slow pace:

Celebrate every small accomplishment. Encourage yourself and take one step at a time. No accomplishment is ever small or insignificant. 

3● Stick to your decision of Decluttering:

Don’t ever let your family or friends sow the seeds of doubt. Everyone will discourage you in the beginning. You will see them imitating you, while criticizing you for your effort. That is innate human jealousy, human behavior and psychology, pure and simple! In fact, people will try to sabotage your plans, ignore them, it’s your life. 

4● Think before you act:

Stop getting anything in the house, apart from the basic essentials.  Follow 1 in 2 out policy with small items, 1 in 1 out policy with items you want to replace. 

1 In 1 out policy:

According to this method, whenever you buy something, you have to let go of one item.

1 in 2 out policy:

According to this method, whenever you buy something, you have to let go of 2 items. 

Following this policy will make you think many times before you plan to buy anything, as you will have to remove something.  So, this way you will save money also as you will defer your purchase. 

5● Make yourself a priority:

Just focus on yourself, your personal belongings and carry on with your Decluttering mission. Remember, it is a a mindset shift, a lifestyle change. When you will have a manageable closet, desk, vanity and other personal space, you will have a calm mind, peace,more time and this will definitely be noticed by other family members. 

It’s a matter of time, they will be on board. 

Though, I keep Decluttering from time to time, things still have a tendency to accumulate. 

For ease of managing my time and energy, Decluttering has become a habit. Now it is a part of my routine and does not feel like a chore. It has freed up my physical and mental space, to focus my what matters to me. Self care should be of utmost priority as only then you will have the energy to take care of others. 

For me, focussing on small areas works best.

For example, the cutlery cabinet holds all I need for cooking, on a daily basis. 

Keeping it decluttered helps me to cook effortlessly, as whatever I need  is stored neatly and is easily accessible. 

1● Step

Empty the space.

2● step

Clean it thoroughly. 

3● step

Sort all the items and return to original place  only those that you need or use regularly. 

What is not required can either be stored in another space and if it is not used in a couple of months, it can be removed. Either you can offer it to someone, who will be happy to have it or you can donate it. 

Avoid throwing away things so they don’t reach the landfills. Decluttering should be done responsibly. In fact, our life mission should be to use up things till they are completely unusable, thereby sending as little as possible to landfills. 

My motto is to Declutter responsibly. 

Use up everything. 

Buy only when you want to replace something. 

Offer items to others, if you don’t need them.

You can donate the rest.

Try to reuse and repurpose everything. 

Save money by not shopping unnecessarily. 

Teach your children responsible behavior by educating them about the environment, sustainability and the need to avoid sending stuff to the landfills. 

Your actions are the best teacher. 

Like Mahatma Gandhi said” Be the change you want to see in the world “

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